Which House Can I Insure

Which House Can I Insure, For What Damages, And How Much Does It Cost?

Which House Can I Insure, For What Damages, And How Much Does It Cost?
Not all insurance companies are willing to take out a policy for a house made of wood, as it is considered to be more exposed to the risk of earthquakes, natural disasters, and above all explosion and fire. Let’s see the details of this form of insurance.

Protecting your home from damage and risks to which the property is exposed daily is not only valid for traditional masonry houses but for any type of building, such as prefabricated wooden houses , which require the guarantees of protection against same phenomena to which other houses are exposed.

The methods of underwriting an insurance policy and obtaining the guarantee of reimbursement of expenses or compensation for damages are the same as those provided for by traditional home insurance, although with some differences to which it is necessary to be careful when signing the contract. . Let’s see together the details of the insurance policy, the limits and what to check in the contract before signing it .

Insurance for a prefabricated wooden house: WHAT IS IT IN DETAIL?

Insurance for a prefabricated wooden house allows you to protect your home from numerous risks and damages for which we may have to pay very high expenses, which could put your family budget in difficulty. In the event, for example of theft, the loss of one’s belongings or the damage caused by thieves to enter the home, they can be compensated by the insurance company , through the payment of an annual premium and a ceiling established by the contract, within which the amount of the reimbursement due in the event of occurrence of one of the events for which you are insured is calculated.

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The type of insurance for a prefabricated wooden house is a form of policy that not all insurance companies provide , considering the greater risk of the occurrence of events such as an explosion and fire – commonplace for most of the cases, as the non-total validity of this thesis has been confirmed – and for this reason it is important to carefully evaluate the clauses and limits of the policy that you subscribe, once you have found the right insurance partner, guaranteeing insurance with damage and risk coverage that includes reimbursement of expenses to be incurred in cases to which one feels most exposed.

Insurance for a prefabricated wooden house: WHAT TO CONSIDER?

Despite the premises of the similarity of the home policy to an insurance for prefabricated wooden houses, it must however be considered that, even if the type of home insurance provides the same risk and damage coverage (including seismic events, theft, fire, rapid, damage to things and people), the underwriting of a home insurance for a prefabricated wooden house presents limitations and particular clauses to which it is necessary to be careful, to avoid being discovered in the event of occurrence of the events for which you plan to be insured.

Insurance for a prefabricated wooden house has in fact characteristics and basic points different from other forms of insurance for the home, inherent in the structure and in the material of the house itself to a more estimated high risk of verification of the events for which it is requested. damage coverage. Precisely for this reason, some insurance companies do not grant the subscription of this form of insurance for the home, such as for example the policy for the explosion and fire coverage, which guarantees compensation for damage to property and people inside the home. , an event that is more verifiable in a wooden house than in a house built in reinforced concrete.

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Insurance for a prefabricated wooden house: WHICH HOUSES TO INSURE?

When applying for insurance for a prefabricated wooden house, it is important to know that, as we have also mentioned previously, that a wooden house does not enjoy the same risk and damage coverage as a brick house, as the possibility of event verification is considered greater. for this reason, the stipulation of a home insurance for this form of property is feasible only for the following types of homes , as shown in the table below:

Insurance for a prefabricated wooden house: THE RISK OF EXPLOSION AND FIRE

It should be emphasized that inside a house, the possibility of explosion, fire, smoke, explosion events does not derive exclusively from the structure of the wooden house. A fire can be caused by faults in domestic systems, malicious events or human neglect, electrical overheating, for which the high risk of a wooden house is to be considered as an evaluation factor of the granting of the policy at the discretion of the insurance company that decides. whether or not to take out this type of policy with your client.

In fact, on the market it is possible to find insurance companies that grant the stipulation of particular forms of insurance for the prefabricated wooden house by providing a much higher annual premium than other types of insurance for a traditional property, but in any case there is the possibility of subscribing to an insurance, which is very convenient for protecting one’s home, one’s assets and also guaranteeing coverage against the damage that the same property could cause to others – including animals.

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Insurance for a prefabricated wooden house: FIRE TEST

To better understand and for information purposes, we propose below a video on the execution of a fire test on a house made entirely of wood , which highlights the resistance of the house and the damage caused to its structure. The test was performed at the Japanese laboratories of the BRI (Building Research Institute):

Insurance for a prefabricated wooden house: HOW MUCH DOES IT COST?

Insurance for a prefabricated wooden house allows you to pay the premium annually and also in deferred form and has a variable cost based on the risk percentage of the property and the risk and damage coverage that you subscribe. In general, however, we can say that the annual premium of an insurance for a wooden house has a basic cost of 150-200 euros per year .

Insurance for a prefabricated wooden house: WHO TO CONTACT?

To direct you to the insurance company that offers the type of insurance for the prefabricated wooden house, a table is proposed below which lists the most important types of policy and the damage and risk coverage , highlighting the costs of the premium : (remember that the policy prices for this form of home insurance are vastly different in relation to the seismic risk of the territory or the occurrence of frequent natural disasters)

The question,Which House Can I Insure, For What Damages, And How Much Does It Cost is very necessary and must not be ignored to get good deal.

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